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The Chap Almanac: Esoterick Yearbook For The Decadent Gentleman


Standard Edition
Small Hardback
Condition: Very Good

About the book: From the authors of "The Chap Manifesto" comes a yearbook for the sleek of trouser and loose of moral. Sartorius; Epicurus; Libido ...these are the signs of the Chap zodiac. If the manifesto was a call to arms - gentlemen of the world unite; you have exquisite manners to maintain! - then the almanac is a practical guide on how to uphold these standards through the year. In the tradition of "Old Moore's Almanac"; this title is packed full of handy hits for chaps everywhere; from "Do It Yossouf: How to Get your Moroccan Manservant to Do your DIY" to "How to Keep your Skin Pale" whilst on summer holiday. Each month is accompanied by a "Chapist" sign of the zodiac including; Libido (February); "The Fellow who Devotes the Entire Month to Lascivious Pursuits"; and Antiquarius (October); "The Collector of Dusty Tomes who Settles Down to a Winter of Literary Pursuits". Elsewhere; Gustav Temple; Vic Darkwood and their team of writers guide us through the potentially tricky dates of the year; such as March 16th; the anniversary of the first FA Cup Final of 1872; with advice on "How to Deflect Conversations About Football"; as well as dates to take advantage of; including February 29th; "How to Encourage a Lady to Propose to You During a Leap Year".

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By Gustav Temple