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Mission and Meaninglessness


Standard Edition
Condition: Good

The Christian Mission is charged with the task of giving meaning to life, of giving hope in a world of suffering and disorder. But more than that, Christian mission involves acting to oppose oppression, to bring wholeness and hope, to announce Good News: reconciliation with God, and the creation of the new community, the Church, a community of love and compassion and of power.' So writes Peter Cotterell in this, his major contribution to Christian missiology. Written with penetrating honesty and insight, it is the first book by a leading British Evangelical to recognize God's saving activity among those who live without the Church and without an overt knowledge of the gospel. As such, it holds out a special challenge to traditional Evangelicalism, while also having much to say which Christians of all persuasions will find stimulating and refreshing. Mission and Meaninglessness is for everyone who takes seriously the Churches' call for a 'Decade of Evangelism.' It offers nothing less than a fully biblical and fully thought-through Christian manifesto for the 1990s.


By Peter Cotterell